Its yield should be roughly the same as SPAXX. There was a point in 2020 in which interest rates almost everywhere just didn't exist. Last edited by BlackDiamond on Wed Dec 21, 2022 7:20 pm, edited 2 times in total. 27% is the 7 day yield as of 3/20. Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2016 5:02 am. Fidelity. I have 10-12 months of cash in a high-yield savings acct with a credit union that is making a little over 1%. Regardless, you would still have a default core position as a settlement vehicle for your account, and the money market would. 86%, which at my marginal tax rates of 22% and 9. av111 Posts: 629 Joined: Mon Jan 26, 2015 6:27 pm. Although the fund seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1. 68% of portfolio Fund Basics Fund Basics Performance & Risk Ratings CompositionFZDXX | A complete Fidelity Money Market Fund;Premium mutual fund overview by MarketWatch. 00%) 02/02/23 Mutual Fund | $USD | NAV Summary Holdings Ratings Momentum Dividends Peers Charting Dividend. 17%). Compare and contrast: SPAXX vs FDRXX . FZDXX % Rank; Dividend Yield: 4. 10% yield Post by zero_coupon » Sat Mar 11, 2023 6:54 pm anon_investor wrote: ↑ Sat Mar 11, 2023 5:41 pm I know people hate Treasury Direct, but if you have too much cash, autorolling T-Bills st Treasury Direct avoids bank and brolerage failure risk. 05/31/2016. The Adviser normally invests at least 99. N/A. 7-Day Yield (without waivers) As of 07/20/2023. (By the way, let me know which expense ratio and yield I. 7 Day Yield. FZDXX at Fidelity 7 day yield 1. 1% vs 0. com. S. 05B. Learn more about mutual funds at fidelity. 05/29/1998. com. The Fidelity Money Market Fund Premium Class Fund (FZDXX) is not an eligible core position. FZDXX money market fund at Fidelity if you are able to make a $100k initial investment. So my previous example with $5k temporarily available for 15 days in FZDXX yielding $4. Investment Style —. Strategy. SPAXX vs FZFXX: Key differences. com. 56%. I think it's becuase they have a lot of overnight repurchase agreements. S. - (-) As of 12:02AM EDT. The Adviser invests the fund's assets in U. 3% versus Vanguard's VMRXX which has an expense of 0. AS OF 06/06/2023. 00% 1. NAV: 1. 61%: Fidelity Money. Government securities and/or repurchase agreements that are collateralized fully (i. 40%. 00. 31617H805 FZDXX 00454 2738 Fidelity Government Money Market Fund - Capital Reserves Class Symbol FZAXX CUSIP 31617H508 Fund # 2739 07/19/2023 $1. FDRXX has a lower expense ratio than SPAXX (0. com: The #1 Source For Dividend Investing. Analyze the Fund Fidelity ® Money Market Fund Premium Class having Symbol FZDXX for type mutual-funds and perform research on other mutual funds. com. 9995 $1. The Adviser also may enter into reverse repurchase agreements for the fund. 07/20/2023. Topic. 68% of portfolio Fund Basics Fund Basics Performance & Risk Ratings Composition FZDXX | A complete Fidelity Money Market Fund;Premium mutual fund overview by MarketWatch. There is a Fidelity $75 transaction fee to make any purchases with Vanguard. 17% vs 0. 10%. It appears that each fund holdings are about the same. Investing more than 25% of its total assets in the financial services industries. FZDXX has a higher expense ratio than FDRXX (0. Government securities are sponsored or chartered by Congress but their securities are. Yield will vary. Investing more than 25% of its total assets in the financial services industries. There is a contractual cap on the expenses borne by the fund, which indicates the maximum level of expenses (with certain exceptions) that the fund would pay; the respective contract expires on 08/31/2024. Strategy. S. VMRXX has a lower expense ratio than FZDXX (% vs 0. With continued Fed hikes, should we expect to see 2% MMKT rates this summer? And then could we expect to see close to 3% in 3Q 2022 after the Sept 21-22 Fed meeting. You can decide if that is enough of a difference to you, or not. 001. 4. Name change: formerly FICP MM - CL I. Expense Ratio 0. TTM Yield 3. 00: Net Change % 0. SPAXX and FDRXX have the same 5-year return (%). 05% -1. Recently the yield of FZDXX reached 0. The Tax-Exempt version - FZEXX - has a 7-day SEC yield of 2. 00 : 7-Day Yield: 4. Assets. Analyze the Fund Fidelity ® Money Market Fund Premium Class having Symbol FZDXX for type mutual-funds and perform research on other mutual funds. 36% and a Net expense ratio of . FZDXX has a lower expense ratio than SPRXX (0. An investment in the fund is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Turnover —. Yield Mil-rates Searchable Categories; 1 Day 7 Day 30 Day Daily MTD Cum. Name change: formerly Fidelity Institutional Money Market - Money Market Portfolio - Class I. I now have more than 100k in the account and I’m wondering if a should switch to FZDXX which I believe has a 7 day yield of about 4. 3% So, FZDXX is a little more risky with lower ER which results in higher yield. 85% 0. You could lose money by investing in the fund. Seems like a no-brainer to sell out of it and move into FZEXX. 01%. 15% 12. VMRXX. As an alternative, for virtually no risk and about the same yield, you could purchase 3mo. SPRXX vs FZDXX. Analyze the Fund Fidelity ® Money Market Fund Premium Class having Symbol FZDXX for type mutual-funds and perform research on other mutual funds. The 7-day yield as of yesterday was 3. June 29, 2022. 81% on the FZDXX Premium class. One thing, I noticed, is different between FZDXX and FZFXX/SPAXX is that FZDXX has the following condition: "The fund may impose a fee upon the sale of your shares or may temporarily suspend your ability to sell shares if the Fund's. The yields on a money market fund are backward looking, meaning you will likely get the current listed yield going forward (+/- any changes in rate). e. Both mutual funds aim to provide investors with a stable net asset value (NAV) of $1 per share. From the "Minimums" section of the "Fees and Distributions" tab on the FZDXX fund page: Required Balance $100,000. 38%, and the 1-day yield probably is. 96% yield with no minimum to invest. Analyze the Fund Fidelity ® Government Money Market Fund Premium Class having Symbol FZCXX for type mutual-funds and perform research on other mutual funds. e. Market open. 00: Fund Number:. 14% 2. Find the latest performance data chart, historical data and news for Fidelity Money Market Fund: Premium Class (FZDXX) at Nasdaq. 10% yield. But I would consider both as very safe. 00: Net Change % 0. 27% but for my tax bracket the yield shows an equivalent of 5. 45% and 3. 12/22 01/23 02/23 03/23 04/23 05/23 06/23 $0. Stay up to date on the latest stock price, chart, news, analysis, fundamentals, trading and investment tools. Category Prime Money Market. The default money market SPAXX has 7 day yield of about 3. 4. 0005 $1. 3% is a TEY of 4. Learn more about mutual funds at fidelity. Government securities are sponsored or chartered by Congress but their securities. 00 : Previous NAV: 1. FZDXX Fidelity Money Market Funds Fidelity Money Market Fund - Premium Class Asset Class: Retail Prime Yield as of 06/13/2023 Mil-Rate as of 06/13/2023 NAV as of 06/13/2023 $1. . Learn more about mutual funds at fidelity. SPAXX charges 0. Distribution Fee Level —. See fund information and historical performance for the Fidelity Government Money Market Fund - Capital Reserves Class (FZAXX). 00 $1. Both VMRXX and FZDXX are mutual funds. S. 24%) and FDRXX (4. Btw, you can find other (maybe more attractive) money market funds that are not considered core positions, namely: FZCXX (SPAXX with a lower expense ratio but higher min funding) and FZDXX (which is SPRXX also with a lower expense ratio but higher min funding). Time. com. View mutual fund news, mutual fund market and mutual fund interest rates. End Date. com. FDRXX profile: The Fund seeks high level of current income as is consistent with preservation of capital and liquidity. 81: Disappointed: FIRE and Money: 18: 05-17-2018 06:33 PM: Any ancestry surprises when researching your family tree? Lisa99: Other topics: 54: 11-22-2013 04:33 PM: Class A vs Class C vs 5th Wheel: Nuiloa: Travel Information: 20: 06-03-2011 10:29 PMThe Fund seeks to obtain as high a level of current income as is consistent with the preservation of capital and liquidity. NAV: 1. Initial Investment 100,000. Analyze the Fund Fidelity ® Treasury Money Market Fund having Symbol FZFXX for type mutual-funds and perform research on other mutual funds. Money Market Fund Premium Class. 3%. 00% Offer Price (POP) 1. The Adviser invests the fund's assets in U. SnowBog wrote: ↑ Wed Oct 19, 2022 7:41 pm If you have $100k for an initial purchase (balance can decrease after purchase), Fidelity's FZDXX has a 7-day SEC yield of 3. Min. Fidelity® Money Market Fund Other (FZDXX) dividend yield: annual payout, 4 year average yield, yield chart and 10 year yield history. S. 7 Day Yield. Fidelity Investments and its affiliates, the. If I should switch does anyone now how to change the default “core” position on the fidelity. Before you invest, you may want to review the fund's prospectus, which contains more information about the fund and its risks. The minimum balance that an investor must maintain in an account. E/R = 0. 70%, and it will be 3. Analyze the Fund Fidelity ® Investments Money Market - Money Market Portfolio - Institutional Class having Symbol FNSXX for type mutual-funds and perform research on other mutual funds. FZDXX Fidelity® Money Market Fund Other Dividend Yield 751 followers $1. I am considering taking half of it (5-6 months of expenses) and putting in something “safe” with a higher yield. 5% of the fund's total assets in cash, U. The Adviser normally invests at least 99. Both FZDXX/SPRXX have a higher yield but are slightly riskier. Certain issuers of U. Learn more about mutual funds at fidelity. N/A. , collateralized by cash or government securities).