R. Learn about Renata Glasc’s Support build, runes, items, and skills for Emerald + in Patch 13. Learn about Leona’s Jungle build, runes, items, and skills for Platinum + in Patch 13. 91 %. 50. 51. 05 and improve your win rate! Siegesrate. When the duration first ends, if there are nearby enemies, she will deal magic damage to them and prolong the duration of the effect. Learn about Leona’s ARAM build, runes, items, and skills in Patch 13. 13 and improve your win rate! Win Rate. E. E. Learn about Leona’s สนับสนุน build, runes, items, and skills for แพลตินัม + in Patch 13. Find Support Renata Glasc tips here. Find Support Yuumi tips here. 14 coming in at rank 112 of 164 and graded C+ Tier on the LoL Tierlist. 0:00 Leona Abilities Guide3:15 Leona Runes Guide4:14 Le. E. Build. R. 04 and improve your win rate! Kazanma Oranı. A -. LoL Patch 13. 48. Team Heretics. 13 and improve your win rate! Win Rate. Win Rate. 3 %. 14 and improve your win rate!4 Tier. Find Support Braum tips here. 49. This guide is updated daily. Learn about Leona’s Support build, runes, items, and skills for bạch kim + in Patch 13. 56 %. 51. Pick Rate. Leona Build for Support - Leona build from runes, skill order, item path, counters and more in the latest LoL Patch. Get LoL stats, stats for all games, champ scores, KDA, win rate, and watch replays or record your own games. 78 %. Redirecting to Support Rell tips here. E. Learn about Leona’s Support build, runes, items, and skills for Platinum + in Patch 13. 04 and improve your win rate! Kazanma Oranı. Statistics include Leona's Win Rate, Play Rate and Ban Rate. Amaranth Twinguard. 08 and improve your win rate!Find Support Leona tips here. Find Support Leona tips here. Realizar apuesta. Learn about Leona’s Top build, runes, items, and skills for Platinum + in Patch 13. Leona has distinct advantages and disadvantages when it comes to enchanter supports. 97 %. 14 coming in at rank 36 of 67 and graded B Tier on the LoL Tierlist. GG and I'm using it as an excuse to meet other Leona enthusiasts and maybe trade tips with each other as I try to climb to Master (With some Shen support thrown in their also). W. 14 is updated daily with the best Leona runes, items, counters, skill order, build order, mythic items, summoner spells, trinkets, and more. Build. 06 and improve your win rate! Sample size is not large enough. Main Role Order: Support > Top Lane > Jungle > Mid Lane > ADC. Find Support Alistar tips here. Pick Rate. 03 and improve your win rate!The highest win rate Leona build, from rune set to skill order to item path, for Support. Q. Learn about Senna’s Support build, runes, items, and skills for Platinum + in Patch 13. Search for your summoner name to see your stats!Get LoL stats, stats for all games, champ scores, KDA, win rate, and watch replays or record your own games. Leona ARAM has a 50. 14 and improve your win rate! Win Rate. Leona raises her shield to gain Damage Reduction, Armor, and Magic Resist. 14 and improve your win rate!LoL Statistics, Guides, Builds, Runes, Masteries, Skill Orders, Counters and Matchups for Leona when played undefined. ¡Encuentra las Runas Leona que estás buscando! League of Legends. 02 %. Pick Rate. Pick Rate. The best Leona players have a 55. Learn about Leona’s ARAM build, runes, items, and skills in Patch 13. 51. Learn about Leona’s Top build, runes, items, and skills for Emerald + in Patch 13. 10. 301 Moved PermanentlyFind Leona Arena tips here. W. 13 and improve your win rate! Win Rate. 14 and improve your win rate!Find Destek Leona tips here. 14. METAsrc calculates the best Leona build based on data analysis of Leona URF game match stats such as win rate, pick rate, KDA, ban rate, etc. Find Support Leona tips here. R. R. I recently got a custom order from a client requesting a Leona shield and sword pendant so I made this! Gonna make a whole Leona series with earring and rings and everything. 53. Discover short videos related to leona op gg on TikTok. thứ tự tăng bảng kỹ năng cho Leona max W -> E -> Q: Nhật Thực (W) nâng tối đa sẽ gia tăng sức chống chịu của Leona, vì vậy kỹ năng này sẽ được nâng tối đa đầu tiên. Pick Rate. Find Wsparcie Leona tips here. Find Support Leona tips here. Find Top Leona tips here. 07 and improve your win rate!E. Leona. 13 and improve your win rate!Leona Build for Bottom. 14 and improve your win rate!The Best Leona build guide by OP. E Zenith BladeLeona is extremely prone to outplaying herself, poor engages or even being caught out alone. Find Senna ARAM tips here. Language. 50. 48. 14 is updated daily with the best Leona runes, items, counters, skill order, build order, mythic items, summoner spells, trinkets, and more. Leona Build for Support - Leona build from runes, skill order, item path, counters and more in the latest LoL Patch. Learn about Leona’s ARAM build, runes, items, and skills in Patch 13. Riot-partnered U. Learn about Leona’s Support build, runes, items, and skills for Platino + in Patch 13. 53. Learn about Leona’s Top build, runes, items, and skills for Platinum + in Patch 13. Our champion builds will walk you through which items to purchase, which summoner spells and runes to select, and how to level your skills for maximum in-game impact. Learn about Swain’s Support build, runes, items, and skills for Emerald + in Patch 13. Pick Rate. W. Find Support Lux tips here. 51. R. For this guide I will be using words and phrases that league players would usually know. This guide is. 14 and improve your win rate! Win Rate. 14 and improve your win rate! Win Rate. Find Bottom Leona tips here. 99 %. GG's best data for every build. Leona raises her shield to gain Damage Reduction, Armor, and Magic Resist. W. Find Support Leona tips here. Everything you need from build, runes, counters and more. Learn about Senna’s ARAM build, runes, items, and skills in Patch 13. Join. Pick Rate. W. 1,7. 50. Our build guides will also teach you the basics of how to play each. 24 %. E. Learn about Leona’s Arena build, runes, items, and skills in Patch 13. 13 and improve your win rate!Check out more Leauge of Legends skins here - #shorts #Leona #lol #opgg #crystalismotusLeona Build for Top - Leona build from runes, skill order, item path, counters and more in the latest LoL Patch. Build for Jungle. Learn about Taric’s Support build, runes, items, and skills for Emerald + in Patch 13. 3. 13 and improve your win rate! Q W E R. Learn about Leona’s Support build, runes, items, and skills for Emerald + in Patch 13. Learn about Kai'Sa’s Bottom build, runes, items, and skills for Platinum + in Patch 13. 14 and improve your win rate! Win Rate. Learn about Leona’s Support build, runes, items, and skills for Platin + in Patch 13. 14 and improve your win rate! Win Rate. 15 %. 50. 2,15. E. Find Support Leona tips here. If you enjoy the video, subscribeKorean Leona - Challenger Leona Support Full Gameplay - Patch 12. 14 %. Triumph. 14. 4. from death. Find Leona URF tips here. 49. Leona does amazing with tank items that can help her survive longer when engaging in team fights. 14 and improve your win rate!Leona with U. Learn about Leona’s Destek build, runes, items, and skills for Platin + in Patch 13. 14 and improve your win rate! Win Rate. GG - League of Legends. Leona ARAM Build & Runes 3 Tier Find Leona ARAM tips here. E. Find Support Thresh tips here. Learn about Nautilus’s Support build, runes, items, and skills for Emerald + in Patch 13. Plated Steelcaps - Gargoyle. 52. 13 and improve your win rate!Find Jungle Lee Sin tips here. Learn about Lee Sin’s Jungle build, runes, items, and skills for Emerald + in Patch 13. W. Learn about Leona’s Suporte build, runes, items, and skills for Platina + in Patch 13. 08 and improve your win rate!Find Leona ARAM tips here. Find Leona Arena tips here. . Pick Rate. Find Support Leona tips here. Hey guys! I recently found out that I was ranked #1 Leona on NA by OP. Learn about Leona’s Wsparcie build, runes, items, and skills for Platyna + in Patch 13. Legend: Alacrity. E Zenith Blade301 Moved Permanently. 04 and improve your win rate!Find Support Thresh tips here. 14 and improve your win rate! Win Rate. 14 and improve your win rate!Learn about Seraphine’s Support build, runes, items, and skills for Emerald + in Patch 13. Ban rate. With skill order and items, this Leona guide offers a full LoL Leona ARAM build for Patch 13. Find Top Leona tips here. Our Leona URF Build for LoL Patch 13. League of Legends. Pick Rate. GG's best data for every build. for early game sustain on Leona. 50. Solar Flare Leona's Ultimate (R) Ability. Türkçe English 한국어 日本語 język polski français Deutsch. Learn about Braum’s Support build, runes, items, and skills for Emerald + in Patch 13. Learn about Heimerdinger’s Top build, runes, items, and skills for Platinum + in Patch 13. 1 %. 3 % win rate in Platinum + on Patch 13. Find Leona ARAM tips here. Pro Builds. LoL Patch 13. 61 %. 57 %. Learn about Malzahar’s Middle build, runes, items, and skills for Emerald + in Patch 13. I stream educational content - you’ll often see me doing live VOD Reviews, coaching sessions, or playing solo Q while narrating my thought process and answering questions. LEC Summer. Learn about Janna’s Support build, runes, items, and skills for Emerald + in Patch 13. Ban Rate. 16 %. 52. W.