They are all dissatisfied with life, I would be too if I had no friends. Created Aug 15, 2012. Clearly not history. 88K subscribers in the bookscirclejerk community. The cessation of reading classics is accompanied by the onset of listening to readings of popular “media. Did you know that effective July 1st, 2023, Reddit will enact a policy that will make third party reddit apps like Apollo, Reddit is Fun, Boost, and others too expensive to run? On this day, users will login to find that their primary method for interacting with reddit will simply cease. They are fine until you realize you’re reading an open world fantasy video game plot line but without the fun of playing it. mothmansparty • 7 mo. Midway, his last resistance yielding, he allowed his bowels to ease themselves quietly as he read, reading still patiently that slight constipation of yesterday quite gone. Ron DeSantis in “The Courage to Be Free” is the best utilization of an unreliable narrator since Humbert Humbert in “Lolita”. Krabs is obsessed with the white clam who stole his first dollar so yeah hahaha I think I got the gist. Join. A place to make fun of stupid posts in other subs about books. 52 on Goodreads. 5k members in the bookscirclejerk community. ago. The apex of all book lists! What's he got going on in his life the weeks he's going to read Animal Farm or The Little Prince that he doesn't during the week he's going to read The Brothers Karamazov? There was a Friday when I was a fairly trusting person. 88K subscribers in the bookscirclejerk community. In the beginning God created the man in black and the gunslinger followed. 26. It took humanity a thousand years of wisdom to see that dicks go inside vaginas. Its predominantly 15 year old children with the mods being 35 year olds with a BA in English working at McDonald's. Quietly he read, restraining himself, the first column and, yielding but resisting, began the second. ago. NSFW. u/Uranium_Donut_. He’s just a centrist* open to ideas**! Learn to point, noob. Online. After graduating from high school in 1994, he went to Brigham Young University (BYU) as a biochemistry major. So the target audience is still very much for 12-16 year olds. 468 votes, 32 comments. Feel worse for the guy that actually read The Alchemist. 0 coins. 88K subscribers in the bookscirclejerk community. View 606 pictures and enjoy Bookscirclejerk with the endless random gallery on Scrolller. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if. card classic compact. Join. We are not the arrrbooks/arrrlit MENSA society. “ Some people just need to feel special. I finally understand Brando's widespread appeal. 717. I think it absolutely fits the bill of modern classic. 541 votes, 30 comments. 4. r/bookscirclejerk. It’s like how we will all see the same TIL post make it to the front page and then for weeks/months afterwards that fact gets dropped nonchalantly in every thread and everyone upvotes it because it makes them seem very educated despite all of us knowing the size of a blue whales heart because we all saw the same TIL post. I think it absolutely fits the bill of modern classic. The bookscirclejerk community is barbaric. 88K subscribers in the bookscirclejerk community. ago. Who knew? 131. George failed in his mission, andthe Dragon still walks the Earth, protected by an undead army, hiding in theshadows. 202 votes, 44 comments. As I am sure you are aware, the reception to this article has been largely negative. 52 on Goodreads. As in the words of Stingy from Lazy Town: "I'm reading every other page!" Yes, I have read every single word in each book. Stop calling me black person colored as a descriptor. In the middle of the journey of his life, Gatsby came to himself, in a dark wood, where the direct way was lost. . 400luxuries. Finished my first 52 book challenge (it was the first 52 volumes of one piece) Point No. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John. Ubrrmensch personified. ago. outjerked. -9. 67. Drinking his water, sucking his teeth for just a second because it’s really harsh and manly water. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. In this slide, we see a historical example of a "classics" reader: a division of American citizen that was commonly refused goods and services under the long reign of King Brandon Sanderson. it has to be dark but not actually dark, no racism, hold the pickles, and also make it an audiobook. equal rights, equal lefts. • 22 days ago. I agree. Hello all, so I wanted to share some thoughts I had about this reading thing. Hot New Top Rising. As you can see, I was a very gifted child. AutoModerator • 4 mo. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with. r/bookscirclejerk • 8 days ago. ago. 70. It has a 4. Hope it’s not too big bring on piles again. Of course it’s not okay. Of course, he obviously never thought much into the world he was writing in. it has to be dark but not actually dark, no racism, hold the pickles, and also make it an audiobook narrated by David Hayter or something. 2 sounds very gatekeepy. Happy New Year!! Rate my bookshelf 😍😍. 670 votes, 56 comments. 35. 88K subscribers in the bookscirclejerk community. alxndrblack • 10 mo. 88K subscribers in the bookscirclejerk community. tiktok. Sanderson says he doesn’t believe in this stuff “anymore”, but he doesn’t get to choose where his money goes. [deleted] • 5 mo. 85. I like how they didn't let Pordan Jee Beberson sit beside her hero Dostoevsky. 12. After all, if your only source of humor is bullying, it makes sense why you. ago. ago. It makes sense why they are so toxic. The 20 in 20s is mostly animorphs. r/bookscirclejerk • 25 days ago. 29. Its predominantly 15 year old children with the mods being 35 year olds with a BA in English working at McDonald's. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. Join. They just plastered his name as number 1. I can only refer to myself and others in the context of existing characters/magical houses. Considered the father of modern English. An open complaint letter to Wired, from the moderators of /r/bookscirclejerk. God I wish this happened we need more slutty readers. credit to @poopybuttfartlover on tiktok for the screenshots vm. It makes sense why they are so toxic. [deleted] • 1 yr. Hot New Top. Second, he was almost certainly the official on whose advice the publisher Jonathan Cape turned down Animal Farm as an unhealthily anti-Soviet text. com. No plot, no likeable characters. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if. ago. It makes sense why they are so toxic. theRyanSupreme • 4 mo. 913 votes, 33 comments. Maybe that works for some of you all. r/bookscirclejerk • "If you want people to experience and discuss literature as basic as the required reading of a high school student, you should just become an English professor you snob" r/bookscirclejerk •r/bookscirclejerk • I need fantasy but not YA, it’s gotta be fast like a movie, NO DESCRIPTIVE LANGUAGE DEAR GOD. “Let people enjoy things” is just nerd code for “I’m insecure and associate my value with the shitty media I consume, so I take any criticism of it as a personal attack”. credit to @poopybuttfartlover on tiktok for the screenshots vm. 5. 10% of each Sanderson book goes to an organization that believes in conversion therapy. mollydidnothingwrong. The bookscirclejerk community is barbaric. Recently, though, I picked up one of his early novels, Child of God. To really overuse a metaphor: Too many literary novels I've tried were created by people who prefer overprocessed junk food; they think that if McDonald's is served with enough literary technique, it's haute cuisine. 82K subscribers in the bookscirclejerk community. Once, a fan asked him for some more backstory on one of his. 715. The link you were supposed to post. When it finished brewing, they named it 'Lord George. In the HP universe VN taught a class at Harvard in the 50s where he complained about Don Quixote. Its predominantly 15 year old. It was invented by Rick Riordan after he invented mythology and Greek people. Books have changed, oh yes, they have changed. ago. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John. The bookscirclejerk community is barbaric. 277 votes, 39 comments. To report speech and ideas that went contrary to the government’s position. (E. It took humanity a thousand years of wisdom to see that dicks go inside vaginas. Men of culture. ago. r/bookscirclejerk. Join. C. 37. The Very Hungry Caterpillar. 88K subscribers in the bookscirclejerk community. Better start including your middle name when you introduce yourself. Reading is not fun to them, reading is a chore and sacred duty that only titanic intellectuals such as themselves can partake in. The occasional discussions are mostly pretentious and superficial I've found, but never hostile really. • 6 days ago. This review has too many big words. congratulations you have successfully identified the joke. I'm more of a District 12, and my parole officer is a Hufflepuff. Ummmmmmmmmm ACKTHUALLY, Harry Potter doesn't have pictures and I take HUGE offense to the implication that you cannot paint an extremely vivid, detailed, beautiful word-portrait of a fantasy world without doodles . • 7 days ago. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. 16 comments. No Unjerk. 82K subscribers in the bookscirclejerk community. Yes, Ayn Rand may have been an insane hypocrite who died on welfare. personally, analyzing a book has immense value to me. 85. ikr dumbass decided to write about living in a corner over the magic of friendship 🤦♂️🤦♂️. "Very deep. 135. r/bookscirclejerk. 28. ago. IBM_Necromancer • 9 mo. Modern fantasy isn't even fantasy its just bad medievalism with dumb glowey lights instead of gunpowder. Prepare to be hexed, and unflatteringly compared to evil characters! J K haters are freaking Slytherins. NFL NBA Megan Anderson Atlanta Hawks Los Angeles Lakers Boston Celtics Arsenal F. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if. 82K subscribers in the bookscirclejerk community. thaibodydump. credit to @poopybuttfartlover on tiktok for the screenshots vm. 813 votes, 39 comments. ago. The truth is somewhat different. So thrilled that he rushed to the garage. I’ll keep it an easy 100 normal-sized ones, and about 5 larger ones which go for around £25, so the average price total is around £1125. This is one of those bell curve things where you’re either a moron or an advanced literary theorist if you think about books like that. ago. You're looking at 30-35 likes easy. AutoModerator • 9 mo. r/bookscirclejerk. r/bookscirclejerk. We better watch out. Who knew?147 votes, 21 comments. It’s all there. Now, sadly, I am aware that this exists. Piff piff in the sand is the last thing Virgin Kalamov heard before sequestering the nearest cave to reconnoiter the surrounding Gipp encampments to sus out the sniper Sanderson, as adept at snip snapering as he is at spinning stories, that gelatinous earthmover of a beast (mode), and as he removed his singular undergarment he got frightened at the thought of. A dictionary is a book. • 5 days ago. Go on to discover millions of awesome videos and pictures in thousands of. Join. i used to have some adult groots but the ex-wife took those in the divorce (was not epic)An open complaint letter to Wired, from the moderators of /r/bookscirclejerk. Hey guys! My new years resolution was to read all the classics.