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2. tener poder de convocatoria to be a crowd-puller. Then, release both keys and type the letter that you want to accent. feminine noun. Learn vocabulary faster. (unbiased) a. hablar de algo to talk about something. La escalera que lleva al segundo piso tiene 25 gradas. Vocabulary. Grammar. - Buenas tardes. to buy (something) for one’s self. to go for or take a drivedar una vuelta en coche, dar un paseo en, carro, auto. com. he has learned his lesson ha aprendido la lección. Self-serve support for the world's most popular Spanish translation website. The equis is usually pronounced like the ks in English socks. 3. español al inglés. El conductor saltó del auto segundos antes de que cayera por el derrumbe. step. meal. Spanish. to reach an agreement. 2. a. Uses of the Imperfect Tense. 1. Su papá es un ser muy agradable. "U" and "ó" instead of "o". Watch thousands of pronunciation videos, browse millions of. Nunca habían ido a Costa Rica antes del verano pasado. SpanishDict. SpanishDict. noun. See 5 authoritative translations of Osado in English with example sentences and audio pronunciations. SpanishDict es el diccionario, traductor y sitio web de aprendizaje inglés-español más popular del mundo. guardar las apariencias to keep up appearances. Over 1 million words and phrases. 1. power. b. Tell your brother to do his homework. a. 2. Mamá dijo que nos teníamos que acostar. This is not the way to go to the station. b. botany, or the science of plants botánica, es decir la ciencia que estudia las plantas. transitive verb. Mi plan es ir a Japón, China y Corea del Sur. with oneself. -. to have, to hold. Let's expand the family even more! After all, a family tree should include many generations! Spanish. There are two types of nosotros commands in Spanish: subjunctive form commands. la unidad de disco. Llegue a conocerme y podemos ser amigos. Nos tomamos una foto en las gradas de piedra que llevaban al templo. La casa está delante de la iglesia. transitive verb. 1. The Imperfect. Translate Añadir. 'para', Spanish pronunciation, typing Spanish accents, and more. The queen was attended by three ladies-in-waiting. 20 or so unos veinte; veinte más o menos. Trusted by over 10 million people around the world, the web-app acts as a comprehensive tool so you can learn Spanish easily. Special features abound in this unassuming Spanish-Spanish dictionary. See 7 authoritative translations of Axe in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations. se lo compraron a Ignacio como regalo de despedidathey bought it for Ignacio as a leaving present. Prometo que estaré siempre contigo. 1. (from another country) a. (to be able to; used with "a" and the infinitive) a. (military) a. (imperative; used to address multiple people) a. Yo lo recordaba caro eh?Qué va! es barato Tú eres aficionado, Antonio, a los toros ¿o no?No, no ¡qué va! A mí los toros no. The subjunctive ( el subjuntivo) is one of the three moods in Spanish, the other two being the indicative and the imperative. (person from another country) a. 3. Un buzo había encontrado un barco pirata hundido en el océano. the board. You have to enclose a copy of your birth certificate. 1. 'para', Spanish pronunciation, typing Spanish accents, and more. de. (registered trademark) a. (to narrate) a. Use it as a handy reference tool and translator or as a fun way. it was none the worse for wear tampoco estaba tan mal. jugar a las muñecas to play with one's dolls. Watch thousands of pronunciation videos, browse millions of. com is the leading Spanish translator, dictionary, and conjugator trusted by more than 10 million people each month. 2. la interpretación. When asking what, most of the time you use qué, cuál, or cuáles. Fuimos a una fiesta bien loca anoche. tú. (M) My uncle has been resident in the United Kingdom for five years. to promise. Llevo toda mi vida buscando esto. 1. Monthly: $12. Self-serve support for the world's most popular Spanish translation website. Our engagement party is going to take place this weekend. (to pay attention; often used with "to") a. The subjunctive mood includes many of the same verb tenses as the indicative mood, including the perfect, the past. (language) a. El edificio fue diseñado por un equipo de arquitectos. El delantero vaciló un poco antes de patear el balón. (M) English is not an easy language to learn. 7. c. El derrumbe financiero afectó a un gran numero de países. 1. to know oneself. Hold the brush so and just dab paint onto the canvas. (in a short time)Get conjugations, examples, and pronunciations for millions of words and phrases in Spanish and English. (to copy illegally) a. Raquel broadcasts a radio program every morning. 2. de esta manera. gay (. 4. escuchar. Learn vocabulary faster. to stretch. (burdened with) a. 2 (recíproco) (saludarse, visitarse) to see each other; (citarse) to meet. SpanishDict. There are many foreigners living in New York. to say. 99,085 likes · 186 talking about this. The subjunctive ( el subjuntivo) is one of three moods in Spanish. to be. Nosotros commands are used by a speaker to suggest an action be performed by a group of people he or she belongs to. or rather. plan. b. b. auxiliary verb. He told me to wash the dishes but I had already done it. (now) a. of (posesión, pertenencia) el coche de mi padre/mis padres my father's/parents' car. 4. (computing) a. gustar. Good afternoon. 4. SpanishDict is hands-down one of the best free resources available online for Spanish. Translate Osado. 1. Learn about 'por' vs. to leave. Free. Spanish is spoken in many countries across four continents. (place of origin) a. (dos personas) a. great-grandmother. It can also be used to talk about: actions that were repeated habitually. lleguen a conocerme (plural)Conjugate Mirar in every Spanish verb tense including preterite, imperfect, future, conditional, and subjunctive. (mando, competencia) a. (receptacle for water) a. Conjugation. b. Learn about 'por' vs. Affirmative imperative vos conjugation of hacer. See 6 authoritative translations of Horny in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. The orders were issued at the command post. 11. adverb. show translation. Tienes que convertir. (physician) a. El modelo es de 180 cm y se viste de tamaño 3. Support SpanishDict. See authoritative translations of Añadir in English with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations. We use the imperfect to talk about descriptions in the past, like past habits and feelings, or to set the scene when talking about an action that was interrupted. d. If your class uses Google Classroom (GC), you will need to join the class by opening an assignment from your teacher in GC and then linking your GC account to SpanishDictionary. (plural) a. S. This book is translated into six languages. (subject) a. Tenía una granja pequeña, con tan solo unos cuantos cerdos y vacas. la clase f, lección. Conjugation. Easy. to be wrong estar equivocado (a) to be twenty (years old). The subjunctive is used to express desires, doubts, wishes, conjectures, emotions, and possibilities. Grammar. (F) 2. just. Examples. 'para', Spanish pronunciation, typing Spanish accents, and more. Conjugation. a. to get on. 3. Cientos de parejas bailaban en la plaza. To get accented vowels on a Mac, hold down the Option/Alt key (⌥), and press the e key. Nuestras tierras llegan hasta el río. Estoy traduciendo un libro de cuentos del español al inglés. See authoritative translations of SpanishDict in Spanish with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations. la tiza. -. com, the leading Spanish-learning app trusted by millions. Her favorite food is macaroni and cheese. nice, fine (apacible) buen tiempo good o fine weather. El semestre pasado asistió a todas las clases. Tengo un billete de sobra si lo quieres. Buenas tardes. to know each other. [Example: ca- zue -la] SPA is the SpanishDictionary. la chacra. El nuevo novio de. 3. Instead, the recipient of the action (written in bold) is the subject. (hacer estar) a.