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(fig) a. 99. La estación de radio radia bandas. Dile a tu hermano que haga sus tareas. (used to express an emotion or state) a. (dirigir, gobernar) a. [3] SpanishDict is managed by Curiosity Media. The world’s largest Spanish dictionary. Good afternoon. hablar de algo to talk about something. position. Learn vocabulary faster. botany, or the science of plants botánica, es decir la ciencia que estudia las plantas. auxiliary verb. b. adjective. asistir a. You can practice conjugation on or off-line, but be sure to check out SpanishDictionary. to trip off the tongue. to get on. guardar las apariencias to keep up appearances. las apariencias engañan appearances can be deceptive. com Phonetic Alphabet, a simplified phonetic alphabet created by the. Trabajo de traductor para el gobierno. 1. El nuevo novio de. a. com, the leading Spanish-learning app trusted by millions. For example, how much translates as cuánto. - Ok, hay que llamar al doctor Reyes. El edificio fue diseñado por un equipo de arquitectos. Present. proper noun. I don't download pirate music. (to look through and understand) a. The compass says we should go north. Grammar. 5. con el tiempo in time. 'para', Spanish pronunciation, typing Spanish accents, and more. It also indicates the stressed syllable in a word. b. intransitive verb. to make. 2. escuchar. Learn every rule and exception. 1. Pronunciation. (trial, check) a. 3. The easiest way to learn the uses of the subjunctive is with the acronym WEIRDO, which stands for W ishes, E motions, I mpersonal Expressions, R ecommendations, D oubt/ D enial, and O jalá. intransitive verb. 1. (expressing exasperation)It’s nice to see you. A perro flaco, todo son pulgas. ¡sé bueno, -a! be good! 3. interpretar. poder. SpanishDict Translator. 2. 1. El perro te quiere mucho. Mamá dijo que nos teníamos que acostar. to put on. noun. 'para', Spanish pronunciation, typing Spanish accents, and more. to know what one means. - Ok, we should call Doctor Reyes. time and dates. We use the preterite to talk about actions that were completed in the past. to have to. (F) Obesity is a disease that affects millions of people. The subjunctive mood is used to talk about desires, doubts, wishes, conjectures, emotions, and possibilities. foreigner. a. (F) Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. The WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary is a living, growing dictionary. leer. La buena nutrición es clave para el desarrollo de un niño. It features grammar lessons, video pronunciations by native speakers, word roots and usage examples. Uses of the Imperfect Tense. 2. The world’s largest Spanish dictionary. (to guess the thoughts of) a. (llevarse bien) a. Let's finish up by seeing how the abecedario is used in everyday life!transitive verb. 2. (general) a. com. la lectura. (education) a. 1. 4. ¡Escucha! Creo que alguien está gritando tu nombre. In the passive sentences below, the doer of the action is no longer the subject. Tenía una granja pequeña, con tan solo unos cuantos cerdos y vacas. Watch thousands of pronunciation videos, browse millions of. Si llueve, la fiesta termina. Explanation. (dos personas) a. transitive verb. Te adjunto el archivo para que lo revises. transitive verb. 3. In Spanish, both por and para take on the responsibilities of not only for, but also by, on, through, because of, in exchange for, in order to, and several other prepositions and phrases. ihng. masculine or feminine noun. The striker hesitated a little bit before kicking the ball. español. He failed the exam because he never listens in class. 2 (recíproco) (saludarse, visitarse) to see each other; (citarse) to meet. Learn Spanish online or offline for free with SpanishDictionary. (to predict) a. 2. All of the videos are. Over 1 million words and phrases. to call. which (thing) El libro que más ha influido en mí es este. (demonstrative) a. 3. hablar con alguien por teléfono to speak to somebody on the phone. show translation. Tell your brother to do his homework. (plural) a. 2. with them. The radio station broadcasts local bands at 3:30 pm. to write to one’s self. to leave. But before we get into that, let's learn how to say the numbers in Spanish from 0 to 100 ( los números de cero a cien ). Learn every rule. gluhnd. a. yo ya me entiendo I know what I'm doing. 1. Easy. a. 1. 3. SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Free. to say. being. Vocabulary. S. Perfect Subjunctive of "leer". (electronics) a. If you need to get directions, ask what a word means, or find out the time, you will need to know how to ask questions correctly. com, the leading Spanish-learning app trusted by millions. 8. (to dispatch by mail) a. transitive verb. ser bueno, -a con alguien to be good to somebody. For free. transitive verb. There are two ways to access the conjugation charts for Spanish verbs on SpanishDictionary. Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Click on this link to learn verbs with tricky preterite conjugations, including: Stem-changing -ir verbs. 1. 1. SpanishDict. For the ñ, hold down the Option/Alt key while you press the n. to enclose (inside an envelope) Tiene que adjuntar una copia de su partida de nacimiento. 1. poder de convicción persuasive powers. Future. or rather. to be. to tell. 2. meal. (to indicate progress)Perfect Subjunctive of "ver". com. haya le í do. fiesta. me gustan las novelas I like novels. (profession) a. (geography) a. comprarse. to talk. Learn about the imperfect tense with this article. 1. (colloquial) a. Traduce texto con más de un millón de palabras y significados en inglés y español. The world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Therefore, the instructions on this page will not apply to you. Easy. Intenté conseguir boletos, pero ya se agotaron. Channel 11 will broadcast the debate live. Cientos de parejas bailaban en la plaza. (to say aloud) a. dar una cena en honor de alguiento hold o give a dinner in. El trigo y la cizaña crecen juntos hasta la cosecha. Jake salió, pero dijo que nos encontraría para almorzar. (F) Charles III is the King of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland as well as other Commonwealth countries. a. Easy. 1. Vocabulary quizzes are powered by SpanishDictionary. Jul. Conjugation. 2. (M)Spanish has two passive forms: the passive with ser ( to be) and the se pasiva. (All prices are listed in U. d. Este es el coche de mi padre. Let's expand the family even more! After all, a family tree should include many generations! Spanish.